What is a Countersunk Screw?

Published by GayaMadhusanka on

There are different types of screws and different screw head types and styles. Countersunk is a very common and popular screw type in most industries. Countersunk screws are a very common screw type in the wood industry. However, countersunk screws are used in other product design industries as well.

What is a Countersunk Screw?

Countersunk is a conical shape and angle head screw. This is a common screw type in most manufacturing industries especially in the wood industry. Countersunk is an ideal screw type for applications where aesthetics are important. It will give you a better surface with a flat surface for your final product.

Countersunk Screw

Common Countersink Angles

There are five common countersink angles and screws are available in the market for those angles. Anyway, you make custom countersink angle holes. Then you have to manufacture custom screws. So, it’s better to use common countersink angles and screws.

Countersink Angle

Common countersink angles. But the standard countersink angle is 90 Degrees.

  • 60 Degree
  • 80 Degree
  • 82 Degree
  • 90 Degree
  • 100 Degree

The below image gives you a better understanding of countersink angles.

Common Countersink Angles
Common Countersink Angles

Countersunk Hole Specifications

Most product design software or CAD software has facilities to define the hole speciation. For countersunk holes, it is specified as fit sizes. Three different fit types for countersunk holes. You can select the hole fit according to your design requirements.

  • Close Fit
  • Normal Fit
  • Loose Fit

Below image is representing the graphical representation of fit types.

Countersunk Hole Fit Types
Countersunk Hole Fit Types – Example M6 Countersunk Hole

Where you can buy a Countersunk Screw?

There are lot of online markets and local markets to buy screws. But if you need material traceability it’s better to go for reputed market. McMaster is a good online market place to buy traceable nut, bolts and screws.

Really appreciate, taking the time to read the article about screws. So keep in touch with MechHeart and feel free to add some comments here and share your knowledge with us.


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